Our way
of working.
kakaobrain krew are given a lot of good opportunities to grow self-directed, and we find out how we are doing to grow together through great colleagues.
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We act autonomously
from the three perspectives below.
Autonomy and Delegation of Authority

Autonomy is taking responsibility of the delegated authority and leading a task in accordance with one’s own principles.

Our principle is to strive for meritocracy.
We delegate decision-making authority to those most apt at decision making,
and the responsibility lies with the person who delegates the task. As tasks progress through delegation of decision-making authority to the most competent individual
(experience of decision-making is accumulated and shared), the organization as a whole becomes more autonomous.

Autonomous operation is based on trust.
We believe that self thinking and acting leads to more creative and innovative results.
We prioritize the good-faith and judgment of the crew rather than specific rules
Trust is formed when the difficulty of autonomous decision-making is resolved through openness, sharing, and discussion.
Not doing something when it is ambiguous is one way to face the task, but sharing and discussing it is the better way.
Focus on

Focus our valuable energy entirely on what is importan.
The direction to focus our energy is on OKR.
We must boldly pass on anything that becomes anobstacle to achieving OKR.

Focus on making an Impact?

Focus on ways to achieve our mission (to impact the lives of over one billion people) faster and closer.
The possibility of achieving our mission is increased when we gather our energy completely.

When our direction is clear, we can come to a consensus on priorities and importance. Contemplate on whether we are pouring our entire energy,
on how we can collaborate better, on what is hindering our focus, and how to resolve these questions.
Fiercely collide with one another based on trust and dedicate ourselves after we make a decision.

Trust, Collide, and Dedicate

‘Trust’ means that as KakaoBrain’s crew, everyone will express their opinions with a collective desire for Brain’s success.
It is also a belief that our success is prioritized overpersonal comfort and ease..

‘Collide’ refers to the process of discussion for better decision-making and the subsequent active dedication.
It involves persistent questions and answers until everyone understands and is convinced, even if it takes time (This is why we strive for horizontal communication).

‘Dedication’ means that once the decision-maker makes a decision on a particular matter,
, everyone comes together to quickly move in one direction (to the extent that it is indistinguishable whether one supported or opposed the decision).
There is a decision-maker for every matter. The decision-making authority is delegated from the CEO to a qualified person and from that person to the next qualified person.
All information is shared internally but nothing is shared externally.

Open Sharing and Communication

We communicate openly. We do not conduct work through DM’s.

‘Disclosure’ means that anyone can see the information they need when they need it. Asymmetric information creates hierarchy and blocks horizontal discussion.
Open sharing therefore also affects reciprocation of trust. There must be a valid reason and explanation for keeping information private.

There must be transparency and record from the beginning. Why the work was started, what discussions are in progress,
which team is doing what for what purpose must all be disclosed and shared so that anyone can understand the context of the work.
We believe that empathy is formed and synergy (efficient collaboration and rapid results) is created when everyone understands the context.

However, all information about Brain is private to outsiders.

We only share necessary information for collaborating with those outside of Brain’s crew.
It goes without saying that one is not officially a member of our crew until the first day of work. Furthermore, those who left the company are no longer part of the crew.
Communal organizations, professors, and family members including spouses are all outsiders. We believe that the crew performing the task can autonomously decide on what information may be necessary to complete the task at hand.
If you cannot disclose why you have shared certain information with outsiders, it is best not to do so.