Unthinkable Question.
Kakao Brain solves technology challenges by asking 'unthinkable questions' and transforms everyone's lives.
Kakao Brain, a global AI technology company headquartered in South Korea, was founded in February 2017
to challenge uncharted markets and areas by developing AI technologies and services that will change the world.
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Kakao Brain
Large-Scale Generative
AI Company
Unthinkable question makes impactful answer.
Kakao Brain is a global technology company that impacts the lives of more than 1 billion people
by solving universal problems with AI
We bring together the best minds to develop the innovative technologies that are at the root of every problem.
We pioneer technology-based business areas and materialize them into services that improve the quality of life.
We open and share our technical know-how to contribute to the AI ecosystem and create new value.
Driving valuable change in the world to make life better for everyone.
Make an impact in the world in ways no one has ever thought of in ways no one else has thought of.
We bring together subject matter experts with different questions and ideas. and collide with each other's ideas and domain know-how to create new possibilities and to create new possibilities and dialectical value.

We provide leading AI technology and value-added services to enable anyone to benefit from a variety of We are preparing for a world where everyone can benefit from leading AI technology and value-added services, and where AI is as natural as air like air.